CGTP students come from many different disciplines within the travel industry.
One of the hallmarks of the CGTP course is that each student is required to post personal opinions on various aspects of government travel as seen through the lens of their personal experience and expertise.
As such, all material on this website represents the personal opinion of the person writing the article.
As such the contents of and opinions expressed by their messages are theirs personally and do not reflect any position of the Federal Government nor any government agency (Federal or otherwise), business division, or corporation for which the author may work as an employee or to which the author may belong.
The views stated herein do not represent the views or opinions of the Society of Government Travel Professionals nor any affiliate of SGTP and are the personal opinions of the authors.
Copyright of the material in this site, aside from informational pages, is the property of the authors. In order to use content from this site for reprints or other purposes, you will need to pay a licensing fee directly to the author. Please contact us through the contact page for permissions.