In 2003 General Services Administration (GSA) awarded three companies with E-Gov Travel Service contracts. Once the contracts were awarded, agencies were given until December 2004 to select an ETS vendor.
I was hired in 2005 to support travelers with this new eTravel system. The agency that I work for provides administrative support services on a competitive and full cost-reimbursable basis to other government agencies. We operate like a public business and do not receive any appropriated funds.
We have two branches within travel – Relocation and Temporary Duty (TDY). I work in the TDY branch. Our services include E-Gov Travel implementation, help desk support, training, travel-related payments, travel policy, and charge card administration.
In the beginning I provided support to travelers that would call the Help Desk. Much of the day was spent answering calls regarding the registration process. The E-Gov Travel system registration process is designed to be completed by the traveler rather than a secretary. There is unique information needed that only the traveler would now. Many travelers were reluctant to use the system and did not think that it was user-friendly. They were accustom to calling the travel agency and handling everything by paper. The system also made them abide by the Federal Travel Regulations, which some were not used to.
It has been over five years now and it seems that travelers are growing to like the system and its features. Our ETS vendor continues to make upgrades to the system and continues to strive to make the system user-friendlier. Travelers also appreciate our helpful, friendly staff.
By: Chanda Garrett
The contents of this message are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the Government or my agency. Use of this equipment is consistent with the agency’s policy governing limited personal use.